Colorá – one lucky street cat

16 years ago, a little tabby kitten was born on the streets of Jávea. One of the thousands of street cats in our town, but this was a lucky one. We will never know how she found her way to the podiatry clinic of Pilar Peche and Alejandro, but she did! The kitten decided that she wished to stay. They named her Colorá, after her beautiful, colourful coat.

Together with neighbour Natalia, Pilar and Alejandro cared for the shy young tabby. They loved her, took her for regular veterinary checks, and she was sterilised. But Colorá did not wish to be an indoor cat. She was a free spirit that wanted her wishes respected: “I am a street cat, but do care for me and love me.”.

As the years passed, Colorá remained in her special place outside the door of the clinic. She became a familiar face to clients, neighbors and visitors to the street. She was a bit famous even! Colorá always had a warm box where she could take refuge on a cold evening. The three caregivers adored Colorá and would feed her and spend hours on the street giving her cuddles and love.

Close to danger

Colorá was smart! She had a secret area where she took refuge during bad weather behind the veterinary clinic Asis. However, as Colorá aged, her caregivers became worried. Her feline senses were deteriorating; she searched for the sunshine, which occasionally found her laying close to danger on the busy road. One day, Team Catland was on route for a meeting with their architect. Colorá was napping in the sunshine, but in a place that made us worry. Of course, we knew her backstory but wished to explore saver options for the girl.

A call to Alejandro was made, and it immediately became apparent that the caregivers were very concerned. Colorá was now a pensioner, plus a major construction project was to take place in the area where she spent her evenings snoozing. Alejandro, Pilar, and Natalia were overwhelmed when we told them that a Catland foster family had offered to take Colorá into their home. She would become part of their family in their animal paradise.

Colorá was taken to Juan at the veterinary clinic Asis, where she was re-vaccinated and blood tested. She was a super-healthy old lady!

The famous street cat retires

Amazingly enough, Colorá settled into her new life quite quickly. Her favourite past time is watching wild life movies and videos with birds and mice on YouTube. She is not fussy as long as she can nap and watch TV. Colorá, the famous street cat, decided to give up her street life at the grand age of 15. Cats really live their lives exactly how they wish.

The close bond between Colorá, Pilar, Alejandro, and Natalia has remained strong. They visit their little girl regularly, and they have so generously paid for Colorá’s veterinary checks and upkeep.

We hope this special girl has many more years of health and happiness. A huge thank you to Natalia, Pilar, and Alejandro for all their love and care for Colorá!