Siep suddenly appeared in a small cat colony in Javea port. All three were scared and confused but certainly not wild. Clearly a case of dumped domestic cats. The colony caretaker wanted to adopt one of the cats, but not until the other two were off the street as well. The colony caretaker contacted Catland and luckily Siep was able to go to a foster family.
Siep is a bon vivant pur sang. He came out of the carrier purring and continued to do so for days. Even now it takes almost nothing to get him to grunt. Siep was immediately at home, as if it had never been different. It’s a big, sweet cuddly butt. If you want you can cuddle with him 24 hours a day and he also likes to climb on your lap.
Playing is his other big hobby. A fishing rod with a mouse and balls are irresistible to him. If he plays very enthusiastically or the cuddling gets too good, he may give you a love bite. It won’t hurt, but it might scare off small children. Older teens would be great buddies for our Siep. He can live calm dogs very well. He is a confident, dominant boy and that often does not go well with other cats. So it’s better for Siep to just be the only cat in the house.
Siep likes to get some fresh air from time to time in a garden. It is important that the garden is located in a low traffic area. He will also be very happy with a spacious, secure balcony.
Siep is completely healthy. He has been tested for FIV and Felv, vaccinated, microchipped and neutered. Ready for a long and happy life in a loving family!